IREK – AESM: Institutional Repository of Economic Knowledge
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Unknown author (ASEM, 2018)
Această publicație este editată la o suta de ani de la nașterea lui Ivan Ilie Mocan - ilustru organizator al invățământului economic, cercetător eminent al domeniului monedei și creditului, personalitate remarcabilă a ...
Trushkina, Nataliia; Patlachuk, Tamila
(ASEM, 2024-08)
The article presents the main concepts and theories of behavioral economics. This area has been extremely popular and relevant in recent years in the economic sphere due to its novelty and change in the management and ...
Barna, Laura–Eugenia–Lavinia
(ASEM, 2024-08)
ERP systems play a crucial role in the sustainable development of an organization as a result of the many functions and modules that these systems offer. Thus, more and more organizations tend to implement these systems ...
Zaiats, Tetiana; Diakonenko, Oksana; Sova, Olena
(ASEM, 2024-08)
The relevance of studying non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Ukraine is determined by their significance in enhancing the resilience potential of local communities within limited timeframes and constrained resource ...
Khaustova, Victoriia; Trushkina, Nataliia
(ASEM, 2024-08)
The changing, dynamic and unpredictable development of the external institutional environment, crisis phenomena, natural disasters, cyberattacks and wars, armed conflicts and active hostilities are the reasons for the ...
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