IREK – AESM: Institutional Repository of Economic Knowledge
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Bucos, Tatiana
Antreprenoriatul social a devenit o componentă esențială în realitățile economice și sociale contemporane, jucând un rol crucial în abordarea provocărilor sociale prin mijloace inovatoare și sustenabile. În Republica ...
Bucos, Tatiana
Social entrepreneurship has become an essential component of contemporary economic and social realities, playing a crucial role in addressing social challenges through innovative and sustainable means. In the Republic of ...
Balan, Aliona
(Baku Business University Press, 2024)
Renewable energy serves as a cornerstone for economic development, providing a pathway toward sustainable growth and improved living standards. Investments in renewable energy infrastructure not only create employment ...
Tomsa, Aurica
(Baku Business University Press, 2024)
Study on the competitiveness of renewable energy resources.
Gutium, Tatiana
(Baku Business University Press, 2024)
The potential for economic growth, increasing the competitiveness of the national economy, and the development of both industrial branches and industry as a whole depends on the efficiency of the energy sector. Therefore, ...
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