In this article it is studied the economical thinking from the interwar Bessarabia. The study is prepared after examining the publications of books, articles, reports and other publications, which investigate the economical reality or/and the studies from the region during this period. As a result it is concluded that during the interwar period were done economical investigations of great value, which confirms the existence of Bessarabian economical thinking as a part of Romanian economical thinking, which had its own specifics, but it also was consistent with the economical thinking from abroad.
Publicat în: Conferință științifică internațională „Abordări clasice şi inovatoare în gândirea economică contemporană”, Ed. I (8 mai 2015) / com. șt.: Dumitru Moldovan [et al.] ; coord., resp. de ed.: Elina Benea-Popuşoi. – Chișinău : ASEM, 2015. – 204 p. Antetit.: Acad. de Studii Econ. a Moldovei, Catedra Gândire Economică, Demografie, Geoeconomie. – Texte : lb. rom., engl., rusă. – Bibliogr. la sfârşitul art. – 40 ex. ISBN 978-9975-75-782-9.