Facultatea Economie Generală şi Drept: Recent submissions

  • Railean, Tatiana (ASEM, 2021-04)
    In this article, I set out to set out the importance and relevant characteristics of income tax, such as who are the taxpayers, what are the tax rates for the categories of taxable income that are subject to taxation. Also, ...
  • Burlacu, Felicia (ASEM, 2021-04)
    In the 21st century, the need to finance young entrepreneurs has become a necessity for the development of the branches of the national economy. Many international funding practices are becoming an example for the Republic ...
  • Croitoru, Alexandra (ASEM, 2021-04)
    The crisis highlight the need for urgent action to cushion the economic and health consequences of the pandemic, to protect vulnerable populations and to lay the foundations for a sustainable recovery. This review reflects ...
  • Racu, Cătălina (ASEM, 2021-04)
    The challenges during the pandemic crisis are becoming more and more felt in all branches of the world and national economy of the Republic of Moldova. Tourism is among the most affected sectors, with a massive decline in ...
  • Tomșa, Cristina; Trofim, Daniel (ASEM, 2021-04)
    Operațiunile de export și import ajută la creșterea competitivității și scăderii prețurilor, deoarece contribuie la creșterea puterii de cumpărare și distrugerea monopolurilor locale. Republica Moldova este o țară dependentă ...
  • Goncear, Elena (ASEM, 2021-04)
    Digitization of studies is a topic that has affected most educational actors. Of course, the first targets are the pupils, students and teachers, being those who were most affected by the gaps in the digitalization of ...
  • Gotișan, Maria (ASEM, 2021-04)
    The issues of the job placement of the underage people affect many participants of this process. The underage people’s interest in a job is firstly defined as an opportunity to assert themselves and to acquire some ...
  • Boldurescu, Mihaela (ASEM, 2021-04)
    Identifying the impact of forensics as an interdisciplinary science, detecting the connection of forensics with other criminal and non-criminal sciences, revealing the importance of forensics in the criminal investigation. ...
  • Danila, Victor (ASEM, 2021-04)
    It is indisputable that in recent years, the judiciary, in which we should have independent, impartial and irremovable judges and have authority, as such no longer enjoys authority. The judiciary has not yet become a ...
  • Danila, Victor (ASEM, 2021-04)
    Trafficking in human beings is a flagrant violation of human freedom and dignity, a serious form of crime, a threat to the security and sustainable development of society, but also a transnational danger. JEL: K14, K38.
  • Margarint, Denis (ASEM, 2021-04)
    With the progressive development of informational technologies, the risks to which the users of these new technologies are exposed increased.. The appearance of the first virtual currencies triggered an increase in the ...
  • Ilovan, Ana (ASEM, 2021-04)
    From ancient times the falsification of documents and documents has been a major problem, because it was quite complicated to identify a person by his writing, which apparently does not say anything about the person, but ...
  • Lipai, Victoria (ASEM, 2021-04)
    The market economy is based on international cooperation - ensured by the customs system of the Republic of Moldova. In order to modernize and adapt the customs clearance techniques, the customs broker's institution replaces ...
  • Guțu, Cătălina (ASEM, 2021-04)
    Genocide is an international crime in which acts are committed with the intention of destroying, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. The facts are: killing all or part of the group members, ...
  • Simonov, Alina (ASEM, 2021-04)
    The fundamental pillar of transmission patrimoniale mortis causa constitutes it the right of succession option. It depends on his exercise who will become the heir of the deceased, how the wealth will be divided succession, ...
  • Sîrbu, Loredana (ASEM, 2021-04)
    This article aims to highlight the need to comply with the rule of law in an imposing society on the elements that make up privacy as a whole, as protected by international regulations, but also the practical role it played ...
  • Bucos, Tatiana; Simciuc, Elena; Todorova, Liudmila (ASEM, 2021)
    Two of the most painful questions that novice entrepreneurs ask themselves are financially related: 1. where to get money to start a business; 2. how to prove to potential investors that they will get back the money they ...
  • Bucos, Tatiana (Centrul experimental Prometeu, 2018)
    Manualul „Economie aplicată” tratează procesele economice din perspectiva întreprinderii, ea fiind subiectul economic care ne influențează viața, prin calitatea și prețul bunurilor oferite, prin locurile de muncă create ...
  • Bucos, Tatiana (ASEM, 2021-09)
    Articolul are drept scop identificarea rolului pe care îl au universitățile în ecosistemul antreprenorial, respectiv în stimularea apariției startupurilor. Sunt prezentate căile prin care startup-urile contribuie la ...
  • Dodu-Gugea, Larisa; Șișcan, Zorina; Condrațchi, Liliana; Fortună, Olesea (ASEM, 2021-06)
    Pornind de la studiile efectuate în domeniu, autorii definesc economia sustenabilă ca pe un trend mondial şi identifică puterea de cocreaţie a ecosistemului circular în Republica Moldova. Se atrage atenţia asupra faptului ...

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