This paper represents a theoretical-practical incursion of the role and typology, efficiency and effectiveness of managerial strategies applied in the context of achieving competitiveness. The aim of the paper is to investigate the contribution of managerial strategies on achieving the competitiveness of the enterprise. Thus, a modern enterprise is a company that applies successful strategies, which helps it to adapt quickly to new changes, which helps it to anticipate the positions of competitors, but also creates multiple competitive advantages. A managerial strategy is the lever of focus and market viability of the company, it is the means that companies use to differentiate themselves from the competition but also to ensure a successful performance in the market. Each manager is obliged to adapt his managerial strategy according to the socio-economic context, but also according to the presence of competitors on the market, the size of the assortment range. The research methodology focused on the use of several methods such as: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abduction, scientific abstraction, qualitative research. In conclusion, we can mention that an enterprise is competitive if it applies successful managerial strategies, adapted to the socioeconomic context. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53486/9789975155618.37; CZU 005.21:339.137.2; JEL: M1, O32, Q01
CORBU, Viorel. Modern management strategies applied in the context of achieving competitiveness = Strategii manageriale moderne aplicate în contextul atingerii competitivității. In: 30 years of economic reforms in the Republic of Moldova: economic progress via innovation and competitiveness [online]: The International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 30th Anniversary of the establishment of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, September 24th-25th, 2021, Chisinau. Chișinău: ASEM, 2022, vol. 1, pp. 285-290. ISBN 978-9975-155-61-8.