The article contains research on the influence of innovative technologies on the management processes of an enterprise. The principle of functioning of Electronic Data Interchange technologies has been investigated. The advantages, disadvantages, strengths and weaknesses of the implementation of Electronic Data Interchange technology are considered. A SWOT analysis of the implementation of Electronic Data Interchange technologies in the transport sector was carried out. The mandatory conditions for the introduction of electronic data exchange in enterprise management, electronic analysis of data exchange between managers are shown. Possible technical solutions for the introduction of electronic data exchange technology in management, planning and financing to improve the efficiency of management activities are considered.
АНИСИМОВА, Ольга. Implementation of innovative technologies electronic data interchange as a tool for increasing the efficiency of enterprise management = Внедрение инновационных технологий electronic data interchange как инструмент повышения эффективности управления предприятия. In: Strategii şi politici de management în economia contemporană [Resursă electronică]: conf. şt. intern., ed. a 6-a, 26-27 mar. 2021. Scientific committee: Ala Cotelnic [et al.]; organizing committee: Ion Negru [et al.]. Chişinău: ASEM, 2021, pp. 19-23. ISBN 978-9975-155-20-5 (PDF).