The present article is part of a larger study, which aim is to identify intercultural dimensions in the management of enterprises in the Republic of Moldova. Globalization makes Moldovan companies transfer managerial know-how from countries with a higher level of development, but for this it is necessary to know the cultural profiles of the parties participating to this transfer. In this article we made an analysis of the dimensions of the national culture in the Republic of Moldova according to Hofstede's theoretical model in order to design the local "national profile" to be compatible with the methods, the managerial techniques, which are intended to be imported and to use them according to the particularities of the managerial system in our country. JEL: M140; O330, F230.
COVAŞ, Lilia, PÎRLOG, Angela. The use of the "cultural profile" in the transfer of know-how in management = Utilizarea “profilului cultural“ în transferul de know-how în management. In: Strategii şi politici de management în economia contemporană [Resursă electronică]: conf. şt. intern., ed. a 6-a, 26-27 mar. 2021. Scientific committee: Ala Cotelnic [et al.]; organizing committee: Ion Negru [et al.]. Chişinău: ASEM, 2021, pp. 24-30. ISBN 978-9975-155-20-5 (PDF).