This article indicates the relevance of research on the social and economic development of the countryside and rural areas of our country in the context of the global economic crisis. The main problems that have arisen in the agricultural sector are indicated: a high level of unemployment, a decline in social infrastructure, a low professional and qualification level of the population, spontaneous migration processes, in which, first of all, young people participate. Young people leave their homes and move to big cities and other countries in search of work. Based on the analysis of statistical data on large industrial centers of Ukraine, it was established that such spontaneity generates chaos and imbalance in the distribution of labor resources, on the one hand, and on the other, an increase in crime against the person (theft, robbery, murder, etc.). It was noted that the migration of young families abroad gave rise to such social problems as fatherlessness and homelessness of children who remained with their grandparents. The article indicates the principles of sustainable development, which must be adhered to when planning the social and economic development of villages and rural areas, taking into account the harmonious combination of the main triad: man – economic activity – nature. Attention is drawn to the difference between the categories “sustainable growth” and “sustainable development”. The factors influencing the location and development of the productive forces are listed, taking into account the careful and rational attitude to the environment.
As a result, proposals are made for the development of rural areas and the labor market – this is the introduction of state programs, monitoring of rural areas in order to create information bases necessary for a quick assessment of the actual state of the village in the spheres of social and economic life. JEL: J21, J43,R13.
ДЖАМАН, Михаил. Strategy of managing social and economic development of village and rural areas = Стратегия управления социально-экономическим развитием села и сельских территорий. In: Strategii şi politici de management în economia contemporană [Resursă electronică]: conf. şt. intern., ed. a 6-a, 26-27 mar. 2021. Scientific committee: Ala Cotelnic [et al.]; organizing committee: Ion Negru [et al.]. Chişinău: ASEM, 2021, pp. 31-39. ISBN 978-9975-155-20-5 (PDF).