One of the main characteristics of today's business environment is extreme unpredictability and volatility. In addition, the rate of change is significantly different from what it was even a few decades ago. Scientists call this state a singularity. Accordingly, the modern era is called the era of the singularity. So, in the modern world, under the influence of technology, business processes, business models, forms of interaction, culture and people themselves are changing. Rethinking the concept of business in such conditions is extremely difficult. In addition to the global nature and ambiguity of processes, the difficulties are caused by crisis phenomena that hinder the development of enterprises around the world, in particular the Republic of Moldova. In such conditions, it is especially difficult for small and medium-sized enterprises of the Republic of Moldova, given their characteristics and extreme vulnerability. In this context, the right orientation in management plays a huge role: vision, strategy, sensitivity and perception of the latest trends, customer understanding, the formation of a culture of innovation, and of course, the choice of a business model. Thus, many leading companies in the world, including those belonging to the SME sector, choose a functioning model based on a bimodal system. The importance of this approach, the advantages and dangers are discussed in this article. CZU: 005.332.3:334.012.6(478); JEL: M15, М19, О31, О32, О35.
DOROGAIA, Irina. The Era of the Singularity and the Creation of a Bimodal System: Opportunities and Treats for Entreprises in the Republic of Moldova. În: Strategii şi politici de management în economia contemporană [Resursă electronică]: conf. şt. intern., ediţia a 7-a, 9-10 iunie 2022. Chişinău: ASEM, 2022, pp. 13-20. ISBN 978-9975-147-65-1 (PDF).