This article presents the theoretical framework for private school education. Especially during economic difficulties as they are now in the Republic of Moldova, the question arises to what extent the state should and could guarantee the education of young generations. The author introduces the concept of low-cost private schools and gives recommendations as to how they could be applied in the post-Soviet area.
Publicat in: International Scientific Conference “Classical and Innovative Approaches in Contemporary Economic Thought: Considerations regarding the quality of life in the context of a changing Europe”, 2nd Edition (May 27, 2016) / Editorial Board: Elina BENEA-POPUȘOI [et al.]; Organisational Committee: Elina BENEA-POPUȘOI [et al.]. – Chisinau: ASEM 2016. – 176 p. ISBN 978-9975-75-844-4; ISBN 978-9975-75-845-1 (PDF) (pag. 120-123)