The purpose of adopting the Agile methodology in banking is to help banks, regardless of size and legacy, optimize their processes to operate like agile startups. The Agile methodology enables banks to form dedicated teams to rapidly introduce new functionality, collaborate across functions to identify future growth directions, and provide technology leaders with the tools necessary to ensure that the IT infrastructure scales efficiently to support the ever-increasing diversity of business needs. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53486/cike2023.51; UDC: 005.591.1:336.71; JEL: M15: IT Management
BUNICI, Sergiu. Agile Transformation in Banking: Optimising Management Processes for Maximum Performance. In: Competitiveness and Innovation in the Knowledge Economy [online]: 27th International Scientific Conference: Conference Proceeding, September 22-23, 2023. Chişinău: ASEM, 2023, pp. 483-489. ISBN 978-9975-167-39-0 (PDF).