An ideal Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) courseware remains not an alternative but a complementary tool in reinforcing classroom activities. Apart from relying on the ability of educators to create suitable CALL courseware, the effectiveness of CALL depends on the teacher's readiness to adopt new attitudes and approaches toward language teaching. No doubt, computers make excellent teaching tools, especially in teaching languages in any aspect, be it vocabulary, grammar, composition, pronunciation, or other linguistic and pragmatic-communicative skills. And the major benefits offered by computer in enhancing language acquisition apparently outweigh its limitations.
HÎRBU, Stella. Avantajele utilizării tehnologiilor informaţionale în procesul de predare / învăţare a limbilor străine. In: Predarea limbajelor de specialitate în secolul al XXI-lea: realizări şi perspective: conf. şt. intern., apr. 2012, Chişinău: ASEM, 2012, pp. 247-249. ISBN 978-9975-75-624-2.