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Pregătrea studenului contabil pentru roluri strategice în era digitală

Show simple item record Graur, Anatol 2025-01-17T11:31:03Z 2025-01-17T11:31:03Z 2024-11
dc.identifier.isbn ISBN 978-9975-167-94-9 (PDF)
dc.description GRAUR, Anatol. Pregătrea studenului contabil pentru roluri strategice în era digitală = Preparing Accounting Students for Strategic Roles in the Digital Era. In: Învățământul superior contabil: provocări și soluții: Colocviu științific cu participare intern. În memoriam prof. Viorel Ţurcanu, 15 noiem. 2024, ed. A 3: Culegere de teze științifice. Chişinău: SEP ASEM, 2024, pp. 50-52. ISBN 978-9975-167-94-9 (PDF). en_US
dc.description.abstract This article examines the evolving role of accountants in the digital era, where they are increasingly involved in strategic decision-making, risk assessment, and complex data analysis. The research focuses on identifying essential skills required for the “accountant of the future” and presents modern educational methods to support the development of these skills. By integrating both technical and strategic competencies into the curriculum, educational institutions can prepare students to meet current labor market demands. The article highlights the importance of familiarizing accounting students with digital tools such as Business Intelligence, AI, and RPA, enabling them to provide valuable strategic insights and optimize organizational processes. JEL: A20, M40; CZU: [657:004]:378.147(478); DOI: en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.publisher ASEM en_US
dc.subject strategic accounting en_US
dc.subject digital tools en_US
dc.subject business intelligence en_US
dc.subject data analysis en_US
dc.subject higher education in accounting en_US
dc.subject digital transformation en_US
dc.title Pregătrea studenului contabil pentru roluri strategice în era digitală en_US
dc.title.alternative Preparing Accounting Students for Strategic Roles in the Digital Era en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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