Researching the taxonomy of cryptocurrencies, this study examines the relationships between researchers, their affiliated institutions, and the countries they are associated with. Data from Scopus (Elsevier) and the Web of Science Core Collection were employed, mainly publications from 2005 to 2023. By leveraging tools like VOSviewer, Biblioshiny, and Microsoft Excel, we pinpointed influential research on cryptocurrency taxonomy, collaboration networks among researchers, thematic groupings, and research trends. Our findings indicate that although research collaboration is still evolving, the insights extracted in the thematic analysis outline the structure, components, and implications of taxonomy in the context of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, providing a foundational understanding. The limitation arises from the restricted timeframe, as the data was collected in August 2024. Given the dynamic nature of cryptocurrencies, the bibliometric analysis might benefit from updates to capture the latest developments. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53486/dri2024.27; UDC: [336.747.5:004.056.55]:001.811; JEL: M41, G23, K42, L14, O30
LAZEA, Georgiana–Iulia, BEZERGHEANU, Oana–Valentina, BUNGET, Ovidiu–Constantin. Bibliometric Analysis on Cryptocurrencies’ Related Taxonomy. In: Development Through Research and Innovation IDSC-2024 [online]: International Scientific Conference, August 23, 2024, 5th Edition: Collection of articles. Chişinău: SEP ASEM, 2024, pp. 238-249. ISBN 978-9975-167-76-5 (PDF).