The dynamism of market attitudes and competition focuses on the management of the enterprises, on use of strategic principles of management by the personnel. The personnel’s management strategy forms a part of the general strategy of the enterprise and a consequence of planning of its activity in the long term. As a result of the lead researches it has been established, that the personnel’s management strategy, used at the Moldavian enterprises, has some shortcomings.
Publicat in: Analele Academiei de Studii Economice a Moldovei : Ed. a 12-a / Acad. de Studii Econ. a Moldovei ; col. red.: Grigore Belostecinic. – Chişinău : ASEM, 2014 – . ISBN 978-9975-75-649-5.– ISSN 1857-1433.
Nr 1/2014. – 2014. – 390 p. : fig., tab. – Texte : lb. rom., engl. – Rez.: lb. rom., engl., fr. – Bibliogr. la sfârşitul art. şi în subsol.– ISBN 978-9975-75-681-5.