In the last years we assist at the level of the Republic of Moldova and also at international level at a trend to offer financial support with a special focus on project-based funding. Once with the appearance and development of the project concept, other related concepts are being developed such as project management or newly, we can also speak about the projects marketing. Until recently, the product marketing was intensely discussed; concepts such as services marketing appeared afterwards, but also the specific marketing for various branches, such as agromarketing, political marketing, etc. Given that fact that the projects are a product / service itself, at the moment, more and more often projects marketing is discussed.
SAVCIUC, Oxana, CASAP, Lucia. The impact of project marketing on the projects finality. Eastern European Journal of Regional Studies. June 2015, vol. 1, issue 1, pp. 49-58. ISSN 2537-6179; E-ISSN 1857-436X.