In the paper an experience of cross-disciplinal master studying in Belarus and EU universities is analyzed. The analysis of the European educational system development have allowed to reveal such relevant direction of capacity building in master training development as a combination of engineering sciences with management and entrepreneurship knowledge. Unlike other narrower directions, the master programs combining engineering and business is demanded practically in all branches of business, irrespective of the size of the enterprises, and at the different administrative levels - from top management to project management. Most of the modern enterprises in the world passed and pass to digital form of business, in combination with traditional form or without it. Therefore the business development strategy, both in the European countries, and in the CIS, includes such obligatory element as digital entrepreneurship development. At the same time the higher education as the supplier of personnel resources for business, has to follow this strategy. On the base of this research results new direction of master education - digital engineering entrepreneurship - is supposed. Innovation character of digital engineering entrepreneurship master program is described. Qualitative effects from new master graduation are revealed.
DANILCHANKA, Aliaksei, ZHALEZKA, Boris, SINIAUSKAYA, Volha, YAKUSHENKA, Kseniya. Digital Engineering Entrepreneurship as New Direction of Master Studying in Belarus.
Eastern European Journal of Regional Studies. December 2018, vol. 4, issue 2, pp. 31-49. ISSN 2537-6179; E-ISSN 1857-436X.