Gastronomical products are among the most important cultural values of a destination. Local gastronomical culture differentiate one destination from the other. Gastronomical values of a destination reflects the identity of its local culture. The visitors consume the products of a destination. Local gastronomical products are the reflections of local cultural identity and add value to a destination These tangible and intangible products must fullfill the wants and needs of the visitor. The uniqueness of its local intangible cultural values like gastronomical culture supports the sustainable competitiveness of a destination and makes it easer for marketers to promote.As the new tourist is after exeperience, gastronomy offers it very well. Istanbul is a multicultural destination and has a diverse cuisine. As a multi cultural destinaion, culinary culture represent a core element of the destinations’ invisible cultural heritage. The city has sufficient attraction factors for gastronomy tourism. Different cultures of the country living in the city, has different culinary characteristics like Ottoman, Anatolian, Byzantine, Sephardic, Eastern Anatolian, Black Sea, Aegean etc. In destination marketing, destination has to be differentiated from the competitors and the destination culture has to be blended with the gastronomical identitiy/culture. New generation tourist is after new and unique experiences. People are not satisfied with ordinary tours and travelling with big groups. Through gastronomy tourism heuristic tourism demand can be fulfiled. In this study, heuristic tourism and gastronomy tourism has been studied in the light of TURSAB gastronomy tourism report and Trip Advisor guest comments. New suggestions has been developed to increase gastronomy tourism as a part of heuristic tourism. The methodology primarily involved in-depth interviews and document analyses. Jel: Y8.
UNDEY, Nur. Heuristic tourism trend and gastronomy tourism in Istanbul. In: Competitivitate şi inovare în economia cunoaşterii [online]: conf. şt. intern., ed. a 21-a: Lucrări ştiinţifice., 27-28 sept., 2019. – Chişinău: ASEM, 2019, pp. 33-37. ISBN 978-9975-75-968-7.