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DOROGAIA, Irina, ŞENDREA, Mariana. Bнедрение управленческих инноваций – способ достижения конкурентоспособности. In: Competitivitatea şi inovarea în economia cunoaşterii [online]: culegere de articole selective: conf. şt. intern., 28-29 sept., 2018. Chişinău: ASEM, 2018, vol. 2, pp. 259-264. E-ISBN 978-9975-75-933-5. |
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The relevance of the research topics: The conditions for the functioning of modern enterprises emphasize the attention of owners and managers to the problem of increasing competitiveness, which is inextricably linked with innovation. Innovations help the company to achieve competitive advantages in new ways that have not yet been used. Huge competitive advantages can be obtained by a company that introduces managerial innovations. Traditionally, innovation was the creation of new products and services. Often, activities related to the introduction of innovations are more focused on the use of new equipment and technology, ignoring the organizational component, which is extremely important in the modern business environment. The concept of innovative development today reveals managerial innovations as a source of new benefits, a way to stimulate creativity, increase efficiency and receive benefits not less and sometimes more than from the introduction of product innovations. Objective: Define the concept of managerial innovations, uncover various types of innovations, show the need to introduce managerial innovations in modern enterprises. Research methods: analysis, synthesis, statistical research, questioning, surve. Research results: Managerial innovations often provide companies with key success factors that help them enter new markets, change the concept of a business, improve their image, overcome problems of a different nature. So, many innovations of this kind are called strategic innovations, that is, radical innovations in the field of management that help companies reach a fundamentally new level. Strategic innovations are compared with the new “formula of success”, given that they are guided by fundamentally new methods and principles of management, such as a new way to compete, a new approach to personnel management, a new model of relationships with suppliers and others. JEL: O320, O310. |
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