Nowadays investments occupy a special place in the development of a state's economy.These represent the essential elements of the foreign policies of all countries, constituting a method by which the states develop their external economic relations.The term or rather the process of investing has so far been assigned a multitude of definitions, but their meaning is the same, the allocation of money or capital funds, at present, to an enterprise, in order to obtain in the future a gain. For the Republic of Moldova, capital investments represent a totality of goods deposited in the activity of entrepreneur in the territory of our country in order to obtain income. The principles of regulating capital investments on the territory of the Republic of Moldova are identical: freedom to make investments, non-discrimination of investors, transparency of information and compliance with obligations by investors. At the same time, for the Republic of Moldova, remittances play an important role, being an important and stable source of income for more than 25% of localities and an essential factor for poverty prevention. JEL: F-24, F-43, G-11
PLEȘCA, Andreea. Impactul intrărilor de remitențe asupra investițiilor de capital în economia Republicii Moldova. În: Simpozion ştiinţific al tinerilor cercetători (19-20 iunie 2020) [online]: Lucrări ştiinţifice. Ediţia a 18-a. Chişinău: ASEM, 2020, pp. 208-211. ISBN 978-9975-75-975-5.